[cat] Casa nostra ja fa olor de Nadal!
I com no podia ser d'una altra manera, prefereixo la decoració artesanal, ja sigui fent boles de paper o arbres de feltre. Aquest any li ha tocat al ganxet, gràcies al tutorial de la Michelle he fet aquesta garlanda de petits arbres de colors. Són molt senzills i està molt ben explicat pas a pas, i amb fotografies.
En vaig fer quinze en total i després fent una cadeneta els vaig anar unint.
[eng] Christmas has arrived at home!
I always prefer making handmade ornaments, like paper balls or felt christmas tree. This year is the turn of crochet. I found this tree crochet tutorial from Michelle and I made this colorful garland. The tree is very simple to make and it is very well explained, step by step with pictures.
I did a total of fifteen trees an attached them with a crochet chain.
12 comentaris:
Son preciosos! m'encanten!!!
Gemma, quina banderola de ganxet més bonica! El ganxet és una de tantes assignatures pendents que tinc!
Fas coses molt super xules!!
Felicitats per la web!
Your crochet Xmas garland is great!
This is SO adorable! I don't crochet but maybe I can convince my mother in law to make me some of these....if I put her on notice now for next Christmas it should be enough warning :)
This is the most adorable Christmas garland ever! Santa would be amazed to see one of these hanging over the fireplace!
Ha quedat preciosa!! M'agrada molt!
Moltíssimes gràcies a tots!! M'alegro molt que us agradi!!
Thank you very much!! I am so glad you like it!!
This is very cute! I love the colors you have chosen. I think I will make some right now!
Beautiful! I want to have my own... aawww :)
really nice!!! ;oD
xxx Alessandra
This is gorgeous, just love it, so wish I could crochet!
Thank you all!!! ;-)
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