felt brooch
[eng] A friend of my work office asked me to make a felt brooch for his wife... and this is the result! They like it so much!! ...and I am sooo happy because this is my first "official" order! ;-)
[cat] Un company de feina em va demanar que li fés una agulla de feltre per la seva dona... i aquest n'és el resultat! Els va agradar molt, a tots dos! ...i jo estic mooolt contenta, perquè aquest és el meu primer encàrrec "oficial"! ;-)
5 comentaris:
So simple and beautiful!!
So beautiful! I have tried that method of making felt circles but they didn't turn out well. Yours are just perfect!
Those are lovely colour choices you made for this brooch. They remind me of crop circles made by a very stylish alien ;) Beautiful!
Es precioso! Y la combianación de colores también.
Un beso
BEAUTIFUL!! Your felt work is so wonderful.... love it!
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